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Arianna Todero

Direttore didattico, insegnante di canto

Specializzata nello studio ed esecuzione del repertorio angloamericano dell’ alternative rock, della black music e del Musical Theatre.

Songwriter, live and session vocalist per produzioni discografiche e si occupa di doppiaggio e adattamento di testi in inglese.

Ideatrice del metodo di Canto Moderno S.H.E.E.R.

Autrice di “The Vocal Factory Book lev basic, advanced and professional” (tecnica vocale, stili e performance), “Vocal Skills, lead and backvocals for musicians” (canto per musicisti) and “Sing Out! – interpretation of the text, construction of live performance” (interpretazione e costruzione della performance).

Ideatrice e direttrice didattica del “Master di didattica del canto moderno”, insegna didattica dell’insegnamento, didattica della tecnica, psicologia della performance, didattica degli stili contemporanei.

Programme Leader del corso di Bachelor of Arts in Popular Music di Sonus Factory.

Ha conseguito la laurea in Scienze Politiche presso L.U.I.S.S di Roma, M.A in Comunicazione preso “La Sapienza” di Roma e il Lev 6 Music Teaching Diploma presso Rockschool UK. 


Singer, Musician, Teacher of vocal technique and performance, Director of Studies for Sonus Factory.
Specialized in the study and execution of the anglo-american repertoire of rock, afro-american music and musical theatre.

Songwriter, live and session vocalist for recordings and dubbing studios.

Developer of the Method for the singing voice called S.H.E.E.R.

Author of “The Vocal Factory Book lev basic, advanced and professional” (books of vocal technique, style and performance for every level), “Vocal Skills – lead and backvocals for musicians” and “Sing Out! – interpretation of the text, construction of live performance”.

Director and lead teacher of the Master Course “Teaching Modern Singing”, she also teaches psychology of performance, general teaching, teaching of singing, contemporary music styles.

Programme Leader for Bachelor of Arts in Popular Music.

She received a Master’s Degree in Political Science at L.U.I.S.S University of Rome and M.A in Multimedia Communication at La Sapienza University of Rome and did licentiate a Lev 6 Music Teaching Diploma.

Vuoi saperne di più?

  • Canto
  • Direzione didattica SF
  • BA Programme Leader
  • Degree tutor in: Music Performance Studies, Music Performance Skills, Singing Styles and Technique, Band Rehearsal and Performance
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