Armando Muro
Armando è un cantante/cantautore, specializzato in canto R&B e Pop.
Intraprende lo studio del canto privatamente a 14 anni, dal 2005 al 2007 frequenta la scuola di musica Ciac e nel 2007 inizia il percorso PRO presso Sonus Factory. Studia canto con Arianna Todero, pianoforte con Feliciano Zacchia e completa il percorso di studi PRO nel 2011, nello stesso anno ottiene il Grade 8 Diploma in Vocal Performance presso Rockschool UK.
Nel corso di questi anni, la crescente passione per il lato tecnico/didattico del canto lo spinge a seguire numerosi seminari di tecnica vocale (Estill Voicecraft EVTS® con Elisa Turlà, Vocal Power con Elisabeth Howard, Complete Vocal Technique con Cathrine Sadolin, seminari su interpretazione, presenza scenica, tecniche vocali estreme).
Nel 2012 entra alla Collective School of Music a New York, dove studia Vocal Recording, Music Business, Songwriting, Performance e Music Production. Nel 2013 si diploma in Advanced Vocal Studies e fino al 2014 frequenta la scuola come collaboratore didattico per il Vocal Program.
Armando ha fatto parte di numerose formazioni nel corso degli anni (Phonema Gospel Choir, 7 Steps to Broadway, Angels, Leopold Quartet, Collective’s SPG) che lo hanno portato ad esibirsi principalmente a Roma e a NY.
Armando is a singer / songwriter who specializes in R & B and Pop singing.
He began studying vocals privately at 14, from 2005 to 2007 he attended CIAC school of music and in 2007 he began the PRO Diploma course at Sonus Factory.
Armando practiced vocals with Arianna Todero, piano with Feliciano Zacchia and completed the PRO Diploma in 2011, the same year he obtained the Grade 8 Diploma in Vocal Performance at Rockschool UK.
During these years, the growing passion for the technical and didactic aspects of singing led him to attend several vocal technique seminars (Estill Voicecraft EVTS® with Elisa Turlà, Vocal Power with Elisabeth Howard, Complete Vocal Technique with Cathrine Sadolin, interpretation, stage presence and extreme vocal technique seminars). In 2012 he joined the Collective School of Music in New York, where he studied Vocal Recording, Music Business, Songwriting, Performance and Music Production. In 2013 he graduated in Advanced Vocal Studies and until 2014 he attended the school as a collaborator for the Vocal Program. Armando has been a member of several bands over the years (Phonema Gospel Choir, 7 Steps to Broadway, Angels, Leopold Quartet, Collective’s SPG) that led him to perform mainly in Rome and NY.