sasasa prova

Oliviero Forni

Insegnante di Chitarra

Guitar player, composer and arranger.
He holds a second level degree in classical guitar and graduated in “Composition for Screen” master program at Royal College of Music of London.

During the London experience he had the chance to work for many international productions. In 2022 he realised the score of “We Are Bleach”, winner of multiple awards.

With the rock band WakeUpCall, he played more than 400 shows in Italy, Europe and Asia (Italy, Uk, Spain, Switzerland, Holland, Germany, France, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Poland, Siberia, China).

He had the chance to collaborate with important producers like Beau Hill and Maurizio Baggio and worked as a composer for many adverts, jingles and tunes.

Vuoi saperne di più?

  • Degree tutor in: Chitarra
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